On Fri, Jul 08, 2022 at 05:02:47AM -0500, Albretch Mueller wrote:
>  Actually, I just noticed I couldn't run "cat" as regular user but I
> could as root how could that form a "multiversing" be -technically-
> happening (other than having forces actively messing with your work)?

Sorry. I don't understand what you are saying there. What does mean
"you couldn't run cat"? Your fingers froze while typing? Your keyboard
delivered an electric jolt to you? Help your helpers. Don't tease them
with riddles.

> export _GRAALVM_HOME=.../graalvm-ce-java17-22.1.0
> export PATH=${PATH}:${_GRAALVM_HOME}/bin
> which javac
> which java
> $
> bash: which: command not found
> # apt-get install which
> Reading package lists... Done
> Building dependency tree... Done
> Reading state information... Done
> E: Unable to locate package which
> #


Not every binary is contained in a package called like it.
That's what "apt-file" is for (in the same named package):

    tomas@trotzki:~$ apt-file search bin/which
    debian-goodies: /usr/bin/which-pkg-broke  
    debian-goodies: /usr/bin/which-pkg-broke-build
    debianutils: /usr/bin/which
    emboss: /usr/bin/whichdb
    whichman: /usr/bin/whichman

...i provided more of the path ("bin/which") because I'd
otherwise get too many hits.

It seems you're looking for the package "debianutils".

(NB: "apt", not "apt-get" has an interface to "apt-file"
so you can just type "apt search").


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