On Friday, July 29, 2022 07:51:59 AM Richard Owlett wrote:
> On 07/29/2022 01:46 AM, Schwibinger Michael wrote:
> > Hello
> > I try to open a CD.
> > But Linux cannot find it.

> What hardware are you using?
> Is the CD drive internal or external?
> What "Linux" are you using? This list is for Debian Linux.
> If you have Debian Linux:
>   a. what version do you have?
>   b. where did you obtain it?
>   c. have you had other problems?

I'll just add (or amplify?) one point -- have you tried a variety of CDs?  
Sometimes "burned" CDs, or rewritable CDs (in either case, from some media 
manufacturers will not work, yet a "printed" (that is a CD created in a 
"factory" by "industrial" methods (i.e., not with CD burning software) will 

It would be helpful to know if some CD works va. no CD works -- if some CD 
works, then it is presumably not a software / configuration problem -- if no CD 
works, it could be the hardware (or hardware related -- e.g., is one of the 
cables loose?) to the CD drive.


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