Hi folks,
as I am sure, there are developers reading this here, too, I would like to 
tell you about a weired bug.

As you might remember, some months ago I told about a phenomena in plasma5, 
that at heavy load, suddenly the keýboard stopped working and I had to restart 
X to get it working again.

At that time it was not clear, who is responsible for that: the proprietrary 
Nvidia driver, plasma5 or the X-server itself.

However, now I can give more information:

This behaviour appears only in the combination of plasma5 + Nvidia driver!

This is the table of choices:

- Intel graphics card + X-server + plasma5 = no issue
- NOT plasma5 (.e. XFCE, LXDE etc.) + Nvidia    = no issue
- plasma5 + Intel graphics card = no issue
- plasma5 + Nvidia = keyboard crash      

Please note, these tests are done on the same machine (Lenovo T520 with I7 
cpu) and appear identical on another hardware (Acer Aspire 7510 with amd cpu 
and Nvidia graphics card).

My conclusion: plasma5 has a problem with the Nvidia driver. However, as I am 
no coder, I still could not discover the reason. And, rather important, this 
issue can not be aimfull reproduced, it appears randomly and mostly at high 
load, like playing a game like doom3.

Maybe this is helping someone?

Best regards


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