On Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 1:37 PM Bob McGowan <ramjr0...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The command to add a user to a group is:  useradd -G
> groupname[,groupname...] username
> For example:  useradd -G audio,pulsaudio bob
> Useradd creates a new user account. Usermod modifies an existing account.

sudo usermod -a -G audio <UserName>

Make sure you use the -a to append the new group to your existing groups or
it will wipe out your existing groups.

> On 8/17/22 10:21, Jude DaShiell wrote:
> > the user that's doing this would need to be added to the audio group and
> > maybe the pulseaudio group if that group exists.  The groupadd command
> can
> > do that for the user but groupadd has to be used by root to get that
> done.
> > Before doing any of that, a user can find what groups they're already in
> > by typing the groups command and a list should appear showing the groups.
> > Man groupadd can show how to use that command when it's time.
> >
> >
> > Jude <jdashiel at panix dot com> .
> >
> > On Wed, 17 Aug 2022, mick.crane wrote:
> >
> >> hello,
> >> Please take into account I don't know what I'm doing generally and know
> >> nothing about audio.
> >> Several years ago somebody asked me to edit a radio broadcast to
> separate out
> >> a few seconds.
> >> It took a couple of minutes to install Audacity, figure out the GUI
> thing and
> >> save the bits of audio.
> >> I'm wanting now to edit .wav files.
> >> Can't find Audacity in the repository for Bookworm.
> >> There is Ardour6.
> >> It's a bit complex.
> >> By selecting PulseAudio as the wotsit it seemed to be working but I try
> again
> >> and there is no sound output to hear.
> >> There is message like " don't have permission to access".
> >> Is there some numpty explanation of how this is supposed to work ?
> >> Do these things PulseAudio, Alsa, Jack provide a stream on some bus or
> >> something and the Ardour6 programme edits bits out as it goes by ?
> >> If it's a physical piece of tape you can imagine you can cut it with a
> pair of
> >> scissors and cellotape bits together but I've no idea how it's working
> with a
> >> PC.
> >> resource of simplified explanation appreciated.
> >>
> >> regards
> >>
> >> mick
> >>
> >>
> >>

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