On 22/8/22 16:43, Bret Busby wrote:
On 22/8/22 16:34, Bret Busby wrote:
On 22/8/22 16:03, Victor Sudakov wrote:
Dear Colleagues,

Sorry for asking a Ubuntu-specific question. Please redirect me to a
better mailing list if you feel it right.

I was using ubuntu-mate 20.04.4 with MATE 1.24.0. Now I have switched
to 22.04.1 with MATE 1.26.0 and come across an unfortunate thing:

The titlebar colors of active and inactive windows are the same which
is very inconvenient. In the previous version of Ubuntu/Mate, the
color of the active window's titlebar was distinct.

I've been trying to find this setting in the Control Center but in
vain. Googling for something like "mate 1.26.0 active window titlebar
color" fetches some dated results about Ubuntu 18.04 and manually
editing GTK resource files.

Can you help me out? I'm sure I'm missing something obvious.

I don't need anything fancy, simple Motif-style decorations are fine
for me, or something like the look of the previous Mate version.


1. The Ubuntu users mailing list is at
which may be more useful for you.

2. In what applications are you noticing this, and, what interface are you using?

I have been using UbuntuMATE for a decade or so, and, I am running 2.04.1 on this computer (I rub on another), and, I do not see the problem that you are observing.

In the Control Center, go to Look and Feel -> Appearance.

I use the Theme named "TraditionalOk", with the panel at the bottom of the screen, and it is the most like MS Windows 95, and, gives my the interface that I prefer.

In the applications that I run, the title bar of the active window, is dark(ish) blue, and, for the inactive windows, it is grey.

Try this theme, and advise whether it eliminates the problem.

Bret Busby
West Australia


I am running 2.04.1 on this computer (I rub on another),"


"I am running 22.04.1 on this computer (I run 16.04.7 on another)."

Both typo's passed the spellchecker okay, but, the nut behind the wheel, failed to detect and correct the errors before sending the message above.
Bret Busby
West Australia

Ho hum.

Third time lucky (hopefully)...

"gives my the interface that I prefer. "


"gives me the interface that I prefer. "

Bret Busby
West Australia

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