Bret Busby wrote:


> >> I use the Theme named "TraditionalOk", with the panel at the bottom of
> >> the screen, and it is the most like MS Windows 95, and, gives my the
> >> interface that I prefer.
> > 
> > I don't have any "TraditionalOk" theme there, just countless variants of the
> > Yaru-* themes. How did you add the "TraditionalOk" theme? Is it in
> > some package?
> > 
> > 
> I have been using this them,e for so many years, that I have forgotten 
> whether it came as a default theme that was available, or, whether I 
> added it.
> However, In the Appearance window, in the Themes tab, where I have the 
> theme displayed, at the bottom left corner, is "Get more themes online". 
> Clicking that, opens a web page, in the default web browser, at
> and selecting
> "GTK 2.x themes"
> ...
> Unfortunately, that is not searchable, a search cannot be performed, for 
> a theme name.

Oh, thanks for the hint! is
in fact searchable, there is a (poorly visible) search bar which you
can use:
> After going through about 40 screens, and not finding it, by doing a 
> search, using the "site=" to search that site, I found it, not as a mate 
> theme, but as a gnome (from gnome2, I assume, which mate is supposed to 
> emulate) theme;
> the variant that I use, is TraditionalOkBrave (the blue and grey one).
> I think, in resembling the MS Windows 95 interface, it also resembles 
> the fvwm interface, but, it is decades since I used the fvwm interface.

That's great! It looks like every user of this computer will have to
install the theme individually but this is a solution! I've chosen
the TraditionalOk-Dust theme, it reminds me of the previous version of
the MATE desktop.

> I hope that this helps.

It does! Thank you very much, Bret!

Victor Sudakov VAS4-RIPE

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