On Wed 21 Sep 2022 at 16:26:25 (+0100), Adam Weremczuk wrote:
> On 21/09/2022 15:36, Darac Marjal wrote:
> > I'm no expert in apt-cacher-ng, but the error here says that's
> > it's trying to look up "debian-security" as a hostname. If I'm
> > reading this page
> > <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Apt-Cacher%20NG> correctly, you
> > shouldn't be changing /etc/apt/sources.list to point to
> > apt-cacher-ng, instead, you should continue to point it to
> > deb.debian.org or snapshot.debian.org and, instead, tell apt to
> > use apt-cacher-ng as an HTTP proxy.
> > 
> > The protocol that a HTTP server and a HTTP proxy use are
> > _slightly_ different. Instead of a client asking a server "Give me
> > /path/to/index.html", it needs to tell the proxy "Give me
> > /path/to/index.html from example.com". I suspect you problem comes
> > of trying to download packages from apt-cacher-ng, rather than
> > proxying through apt-cacher-ng.
> > 
> Thank you Darac, that was my problem indeed!
> What confused me was the fact that, despite being fundamentally
> misconfigured, it appeared to be almost working. Just complaining
> about one security mirror.

It wasn't "fundamentally" misconfigured: you just kept changing
the sources.list in the client when asked not to. Anyway, glad
that it works now.

BTW, obviously we see that you're running at least one machine
on stretch. I couldn't help wondering whether my musings in
were related in any way. (I take it you run a mix of versions.)
That's one of the reasons I wrote this advice:

 "One word of advice: serving to clients running a more recent
  distribution from a server running an older one can cause problems,
  because of minor improvements that are sometimes made in the way
  the archives and the cache are handled and stored."


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