On 24/09/2022 01:38, Eike Lantzsch KY4PZ wrote:

did you realize that, if the backup copy fails for any reason, also the
document cannot be saved and thus *all* work is lost? I experienced this
behaviour recently to my dismay (not to say anger).

I never used Backup copy feature, I just enabled it. Its doing no harm,
right? I never relied on this feature because I never used it.

I intend to rely on normal file save as a first thing, then on built-in
recovery in case of reboots (I use Debian Testing and these happens when
GPU driver freezes, LibreOffice always recover opened files without
fail). As a third thing and last thing I will rely on backup copy
feature which I never used.
Additionally, selected important files are synced via SyncThing with one
year of versioning history.

So beware: If you get the warning that the backup copy cannot be
written, then save your document in another way. E.g. ctrl-a and paste
it into an editor or whatever so at least you have your text safe even
without the formatting and whatnot.

This is a very silly behaviour of LibreOffice. If the backup copy cannot
be written but the document can be written - why not at least save the
document before closing the LibreOffice Writer?

Thanks for your advice, I will keep that in mind, although I never
experienced read-only tmp folder or LibreOffice being unable to save file.

After this experience I disabled backup copies because it is even more
dangerous than working without backup copies. The reasons why backup
copies sometimes cannot be written is very obscure. It seems to be a
hickup of KDE which affects LibreOffice because similar things happen
sometimes with Okular which sometimes is unable to write its tmp files.

With kindest regards, Piotr.

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