On Sat 24 Sep 2022 at 06:43:03 (-0400), Eike Lantzsch KY4PZ wrote:
> On Samstag, 24. September 2022 00:11:01 -04 piorunz wrote:
> > On 24/09/2022 01:38, Eike Lantzsch KY4PZ wrote:
> > > did you realize that, if the backup copy fails for any reason, also
> > > the document cannot be saved and thus *all* work is lost? I
> > > experienced this behaviour recently to my dismay (not to say
> > > anger).
> > 
> > I never used Backup copy feature, I just enabled it. Its doing no
> > harm, right? I never relied on this feature because I never used it.
> > 
> The problem is: if you enabled it and for some reason the backup copy 
> cannot be written, LibreOffice also does not write the original.
> The warning LibreOffice emits is: "Cannot write backup copy" but it does 
> not tell you that it will not even write the original, even if that 
> *could* be written.

It's odd: virtually all the software I use (eg emacs, gnumeric,
inkscape, even mutt) modifies either the title bar or a status bar
as soon as I make any modification of a document (typically an
asterisk), and removes it if I revert the change, or save it.

I can't see any such indication in LO, and I did try reverting a
change to one cell in a spreadsheet, and when I quit with ^Q, it
asked if I wanted to Save the document even though it was unaltered.

Not being a DE user, I don't know whether this is typical of software
more closely associated with DEs. Is the feature missed by users?


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