On Sat, Oct 01, 2022 at 12:43:37AM +0200, Dmitry Katsubo wrote:
> I have disabled and stopped this service:
> # systemctl status getty@tty1.service
> ● getty@tty1.service - Getty on tty1
>      Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/getty@.service; disabled; vendor 
> preset: enabled)
>     Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/getty@.service.d
>              └─noclear.conf
>      Active: inactive (dead)
>        Docs: man:agetty(8)
>              man:systemd-getty-generator(8)
>              http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/serial-console.html
> Sep 26 00:10:34 debian systemd[1]: Started Getty on tty1.
> Sep 26 01:20:43 debian systemd[1]: Stopping Getty on tty1...
> Sep 26 01:20:43 debian systemd[1]: getty@tty1.service: Succeeded.
> Sep 26 01:20:43 debian systemd[1]: Stopped Getty on tty1.
> I believe after that the "login:" prompt should disappear from tty1, but it 
> didn't. Should I reboot to make this setting active?

Well, text that has been written to a terminal won't magically vanish
from that terminal.

Is the login prompt actually *functional*?  If you hit Enter, do you
get another one?  Or does the cursor just move down?

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