On 10.11.2022 16:44, hw wrote:

I accidentally trash files on occasion.  Being able to restore them
quickly and easily with a cp(1), scp(1), etc., is a killer feature.


I'd say the same and I do use a file based backup solution and love having cp, scp, etc.

Still, having a tool which could do that out of a block based backup solution makes no difference here. And backup solutions typically do offer those.

I guess btrfs could, in theory, make something like boot environments possible, but you can't even really boot from btrfs because it'll fail to boot as soon as the boot volume is degraded, like when a disc has failed, and then you're screwed because you can't log in through ssh to fix anything but have to actually go to the machine to get it back up. That's a non-option and you have
to use something else than btrfs to boot from.

First, is this still the case? I do use btrfs for the root disk, had such a failure and do not remember to had any issues like that. (disclaimer: booting via EFI and systemd boot stub and secureboot signed kernel and initrd on the EFI partition - no grub etc.)

Second, there's still dropbear inside the initrd. For Debian it's simple to use: install dropbear-initramfs. I use it because I do use full drive encryption on a headless system. If it fails to decrypt and boot via TPM (which is a nice feature for fully encrypted headless systems!) then I have to manually boot the system via SSH. (happened in the "learning phase")


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