On Sun, Jan 01, 2023 at 09:43:15PM +0000, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 01, 2023 at 03:31:04PM -0600, William Torrez Corea wrote:
> > How to can restore my last configuration?
> > 
> > Try resetting to defaults
> > 
> > mv ~/.config/xfce4-session/ ~/.config/xfce4-session-bak
> > mv ~/.config/xfce4/ ~/.config/xfce4-bak
> > 
> > When i want to restore the old configuration, i remove the -bak that's
> > been appended to the old directories; but i don't get any result.
> > 
> You're moving a directory to a file?

Renaming a directory.

One presumes that when XFCE starts up and ~/.config/xfce4/ does not
exist, XFCE will create it with default settings.

I don't understand the restoration part.  It's unclear how William is
going to "remove the -bak" when there are both directories in existence.

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