On Mon 02 Jan 2023 at 05:20:58 (-0500), Cindy Sue Causey wrote:
> On 1/1/23, David Wright <deb...@lionunicorn.co.uk> wrote:
> > On Sun 01 Jan 2023 at 15:31:04 (-0600), William Torrez Corea wrote:
> >> How to can restore my last configuration?
> >
> > So I assume your "last configuration" is in ~/.config/xfce4-session/
> > and ~/.config/xfce4/ .
> >
> >> Try resetting to defaults
> >
> > I assume that by this you mean "move my configuration out the way
> > and left a new set of defaults be created by running xfce", ie move:
> >
> >> mv ~/.config/xfce4-session/ ~/.config/xfce4-session-bak
> >> mv ~/.config/xfce4/ ~/.config/xfce4-bak
> >
> > and then run xfce.
> >
> >> When i want to restore the old configuration, i remove the -bak that's
> >> been appended to the old directories; but i don't get any result.
> David might have hit on something here with that, "[A]nd then run
> xfce."

Well, yes, I assume that when you're playing with the configuration
files, xfce is /not/ running. I have assumed that running xfce in the
absence of any configuration files, and then immediately exiting,
will leave behind a fresh set of default configuration files, in the
manner of, say, mc.¹

> What about.. some form of logging completely out to a [console]
> or root user's GUI, moving those files/directories aside, and then try
> logging back in again? I've experienced similar circular pains and
> have fixed them using both methods of accessing those stubborn
> "Whack-A-Mole" types of files.
> The glitch that *might* be occurring is that maybe XFCE4 is instantly
> throwing up new but same config files as soon as the old are deleted,

Not being an xfce user, I have no idea how it behaves if you fiddle
with its configuration files while it is running.

> else crash and burn if it is in current use. It would end up being an
> endless battle because those instantly returning config files will
> reflect whatever personal choices are still showing on the screen...
> Unless one logs an affected user out completely first...
> Or not. :)

All this is way beyond me: I have no experience of running DEs.

¹ When a new version of mc is released, I do just that, and then
  reconcile mc's new defaults with my own configuration files.


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