Am Thu, Jan 19, 2023 at 12:18:53PM +0100 schrieb Yassine Chaouche:

Hello Yassine,

> Hello all,
> I was wondering if there was anyone working on an equivalent of OpenSolaris 
> BE?
> Basically,
> It automatically creates ZFS snapshots of the whole system each time you do a 
> system upgrade.
> Next time you boot,
> you'll have the choice of running the new system
> or the old one.
> Pretty handy to roll back in case anything goes wrong during the system 
> update.

That sounds that you are familiar with FreeBSD.
I am not familiar with ZFS on Linux but more or less to ZFS on
> If nothing like it is avaiable for linux,
> what would be the necessary steps to achieve something similar?
> (even manually)

Searching for Vermadens docs about boot environments I have stumped
over the link below.
I am not sure if this is useful for production.
But it is at least a pointer.

Kind regards,
Ist die Katze gesund
schmeckt sie dem Hund.

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