On Tue, Jan 31, 2023 at 07:49:18PM +0100, Pierre Willaime wrote:
> #####################
> ## some title here ##
> #####################
> (I am using emacs comment-box feature in a buffer to do this and I
> replace ; by #, I suppose there is nicer way to do this).
> I often see email signature using this kind of formatting.

A .signature file is only written once, so it doesn't matter how
tedious it is to produce the desired formatting.  That said, I would
imagine relatively few people have octothorpe boxes around text in their
.signature files these days.  Even back in the 1990s, that would have
been considered a bit on the tacky side.

If you're seeing it "often", then I suppose you're hanging with different
communities than I am.

Consider that the standard etiquette rules for .signature files, as they
were taught to me back in the 1990s, recommended that a .signature be
no more than 4 lines (and of course a line must *always* contain fewer
than 80 characters, with exceptions only for pasted shell commands,
command output/errors, configuration file contents, and so on).

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