On Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 08:34:49AM -0500, Michael Stone wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 07:30:44AM -0500, Greg Wooledge wrote:
> > That said, I'm curious about this part oF Gene's result:
> > 
> > > > gene@bpi54:~$ grep -i bpi54 /etc/hosts
> > > >               bpi54.coyote.den        bpi54
> > > > gene@bpi54:~$ getent hosts bpi54
> > > > fe80::4765:bca4:565d:3c6 bpi54
> > 
> > Where does getent pull that IPv6 address from?  That's not what I get
> > when I look myself up:
> probably mymachines, which is yet another new twist to add to this already
> ridiculous saga

OK, that sounds like a reasonable guess.  Here's what I've managed to
track down so far:

The Debian (and apparently Armbian) packages libnss-mymachines and
libnss-myhostname are part of systemd.

It was easier for me to find their source code than their documentation.
Source code for mymachines is at


And for myhostname,


I couldn't glean much from nss-mymachines.c because mostly what it seems
to do is send messages to other systemd services, and act upon the
responses.  I didn't try to track down what those other services do.

By going to packages.debian.org and looking at the package lists for
these things, I was able to learn what the man pages are called.



I can't imagine how an end user is supposed to guess that the man page
is named after the source code's *.c filename, rather than the package
name, or the package name without "libnss-".  I guess that if you actually
had these things *installed* you could track them down with "man -k" or
"apropos" or "dpkg -L libnss-myhostname | grep man" or something, but I
don't have them installed, so those options are closed off for me.

Anyway, based on those man pages, I concur that it's quite likely Gene's
answer to "getent hosts bpi54" came from libnss-myhostname.


The part I still don't understand is how adding "search files, nameserver"
to /etc/resolv.conf and rebooting could change the behavior of any of
Gene's commands.

In my own testing, it appears that the comma is ignored.  When I put

search wooledge.org, gene

in mine, it acts as if I had put

search wooledge.org gene

which is pretty reasonable, I suppose.  So, we can reduce Gene's line to:

search files nameserver

which should mean that when Gene types "ping coyote", and "coyote" is not
present in /etc/hosts, name resolution should look for "coyote.files"
and "coyote.nameserver" before giving up.

The surprising part is that apparently one of these names *works*.  Maybe?
I don't know if we ever saw the output of "ping coyote" on Gene's
machine when it was in the "working" state.

If one of the nss-my* modules is creating resolvable entries for one of
those names, it would explain the behavior Gene is seeing.  But I can't
find anything in the documentation to indicate they would do that.

So, I'm still rather confused.

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