On 2/15/23 08:41, Michael Stone wrote:
On Wed, Feb 15, 2023 at 07:57:09AM -0500, gene heskett wrote:
And this disclosed that I had not properly added coyote.coyote.den to the /etc/hosts file on that machine. That mistake, fixed, now makes the local net pingable. The rest of it, whats powered up, was/is all pingable. It just wasn't tried. This machine is generally the master, and when I couldn't ping it, I assumed none of the local stuff worked.

Checking that on some of my other machines disclosed that something besides me is mucking with the /etc/hosts on some, but not all, of the other machines. And its something I'll have to fix from the machines own keyboard because my /sshnet/localname network doesn't allow root logins. The /etc/hosts file on go704 has been stripped to just itself! Fixed and chattr +i added to it now.

So you've finally figured out that what you told us is wrong, but you're doubling down on baroque workarounds that will make it even harder to figure out what's actually happening. And presumably, you'll be loudly announcing to other users that the only solution is to do ridiculous things like chattr +i random files, confusing future users who find this stuff via google and don't realize that you only got halfway to figuring out what was going on before announcing what the "proper" fix was. That's the frustrating part: you can do whatever you want with your own system and it doesn't really matter to anyone else, but we're going to keep reading wrong information proclaimed loudly and often--which does potentially affect others.

And I'm pretty sure I put it in there correctly when I installed armbian on it.

Occam suggests otherwise.

True. But I'd also suggest that if you do not want to support /etc/hosts files name resolution methods, choose another msg to reply to. Your attitude that everybody with a two machine home network should run a bind instance just to lookup the other machine is a huge waste of resources to do a job that a home network occupying all non-routable addresses is best served by a hosts file, is tiresome at best. Your insistance that a dns is the one true way, adding the complexity of bind to every machine on the planet makes little sense in this camp. There are ways to do local name resolution that do not involve running even a lookalike to bind.

But you probably will not admit that on a public list.

Take care & stay well, Michael.

Cheers, Gene Heskett.
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