On Wednesday 22 February 2023 09:24:17 pm Max Nikulin wrote:
> On 19/02/2023 01:01, Roy J. Tellason, Sr. wrote:
> > On Saturday 18 February 2023 12:17:20 am Max Nikulin wrote:
> >> echo "$DISPLAY"
> > 
> > So this got me curious,  and I tried it out.  In the terminal that's
> > running inside of the virtualbox instance where I'm doing emails,  it
> > comes back with:
> > 
> > :0
> Have you tried to emulate multiple monitors in virtualbox?

Not yet.  I would like to go to multiple monitors at some point,  particularly 
once I get going with some of the CAD stuff I have installed that I really 
haven't done anything much with yet.  I'm not sure what I need to do with the 
computer to make this happen.
> > But in a terminal which is running on the host Debian system,  it comes 
> > back with:
> > 
> > :0.0
> > 
> > I wonder why the difference?
> My guess is that it may depend on graphics adapter and its driver. 

It's an older machine with a VGA output being used.  I assume that I'll need to 
get some kind of a card with an HDMI output and a cable to make that happen.  
No idea what the driver is,  probably nothing special.

> I have heard that a display may have several screens (it is not the same as 
> multiple monitors that show
> different regions of the same display and screen). I have never tried such 
> configuration.

Are you referring to multiple desktops?  I have that going,  for sure.

Member of the toughest, meanest, deadliest, most unrelenting -- and
ablest -- form of life in this section of space,  a critter that can
be killed but can't be tamed.  --Robert A. Heinlein, "The Puppet Masters"
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