On 28/02/2023 17:25, Christoph Brinkhaus wrote:
I will just inform about the status. Everything is fine now. A word
about systemd-networkd-wait-online: With this service running there
has been even a delay of 1-2 seconds when switching from one console
to a different one (the consoles when X is not running). I have no
idea about that side effect.

Does it happen each time or it is getty startup time? In the latter case you may try (for various console numbers)

    systemd-analyze critical-chain getty@tty1.service

Now I have disabled systemd-networkd-wait-online and I have add a
comment in the last line of /usr/lib/systemd/system//systemd-networkd.service
which is now
# 28.2.2023 Also=systemd-networkd-wait-online.service

Ideally the root cause of strange behavior should be debugged. Perhaps some dependency should be removed from e.g. multi-user.target or network-online.target. Probably "systemd-analyze critical-chain" may give some hints.

Any case I would not touch files in /usr/lib/systemd. It should confuse tools like systemd-delta. It is possible to override specific properties by creating of drop-in snippets in /etc/systemd/system/systemd-networkd.service.d/. See systemd.unit(5), e.g. run

   systemctl edit systemd-networkd.service

# Clear
# Add other values from the original file

Check result

   systemd-analyze verify systemd-networkd.service

I hope, it is a better way to apply your workaround. I can not suggest a better solution for tty delay issue, but I think it exists. "Also=" should affect "systemctl enable systemd-networkd.service" and "disable" commands, so I puzzled why it helps at all.

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