Mar 13, 2023, 09:32 by

> My next best option is simply to remove your bind caching server (it sounds 
> like it's not really necessary in your application)
> Backup /etc/bind and /var/cache/bind
> then
> systemctl remove bind9
> systemctl purge bind9
> And then edit /etc/resolv.conf to
> nameserver
> nameserver
> and with luck everything will work O.K.
> You can do variants on that to use your ISP DNS servers instead
> ...

Sure, I could have used some public DNS server and I may have to do that if I 
can't get this issue resolved. Still, I'd like to understand why BIND suddenly 
stopped working[1] for me and how to fix it.


1. It was working fine yesterday and I haven't done any config changes since.

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