Mar 13, 2023, 21:42 by

> Well, it was worth to check it.
> Next idea is somewhat more complicated.
> Install tcpdump.
> Run:
> tcpdump -pni any -s0 -w /tmp/dns.pcap -c 30 udp port 53 or tcp port 53
> Bounce BIND, wait for a minute at least.
> Do some DNS queries. One or two will do.
> Interrupt tcpdump unless it completes by itself.
> Post dns.pcap.

Strangely, the issue resolved itself without me having to do anything. Am 
really puzzled as to what it was. Perhaps the internet provider suddenly 
started to block DNS queries but then allowed them again? If so, why did dig's 
message say that there was "communications error to timed out"? 
It really gives an impression that dig was failing to connect port 
53, on which bind was running.

# dig <>
;; communications error to timed out
;; communications error to timed out

Maybe someone will shed some light on this.

Thanks to everyone who responded.

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