Am 24.03.2023 um 12:32 schrieb
> Hello,
> Should CLI (command line interface) have a nice UI library?
> today web dev has so many libraries that make web pages with
> rich/colorful interactive views.
> But CLI is still in dull mode. That should be improved in these days.
> for example, run "df -h" we got the statistics with plain text. But web
> statistics for cloud storage (GCP,AWS etc) are chart like, which give
> people more intuitive feeling.
> Thanks
> Corey H.
Well, how do you call messages, that provoke troll replies?

In other words: Just the way, this was written, let me hide away.
But since so many people seem to take this seriously, i got to say:
FWIW: If i was searching for GUI niceties, i would take a look at
Windows. Because it is easier to use for simple tasks, and requires less
understanding - at first.

For me, it is exactly the other way round: It is exactly because of the
many things, i could not do in Windows, that i came to linux and after
some years of "playing" with it, i would never want to go back... One of
the reasons being the power and flexibility of the command line.

Sometimes, doing something at the command prompt for the first time, may
be daunting, but then the history is my friend and helps to collect the
raw steps and to generate a script for future use, which is empowering
even more.

And over time, it seems to me as if my thinking changes into searching
for the most generic way to do things instead of operating on single
entities. Just being able to compose a specific "find ... -print0"
command and pipe it into xargs -0 (or parallel) makes so many tasks
straight forward and complete in themselves, that i have a clear
understanding about the difficulties/impossibility to create a GUI with
identical powers.

Even if i am assisting some neighbor at using their linux computer, i
find myself losing my patience at times and just opening up a terminal
window to execute some job faster than pointing and clicking could provide.

I LOVE my command line!
just my 2 cents

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