On Thu, Apr 06, 2023 at 01:42:33PM -0400, Stefan Monnier wrote:
> > I also would like to know when cron.daily scripts run.  Greg's command does
> > not appear to reveal the time for that script.  I ran Greg's command and got
> > the same result.
> As explained, his command's output does show the actual time, but
> I don't think it's the whole story: AFAIK the actual time can be
> different for example if you installed `anacron`, and I hope that's also
> true if you installed `systemd-cron`.
> I say "I hope", because some of my machines I basically always OFF at
> that time.

In that case, I'd recommend changing the start time in /etc/crontab to
some time when your machines are likely to be on, but idle.  If there's
no such time, well, then you're looking at the alternatives like anacron
which are designed for such situations.

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