On Fri, Apr 07, 2023 at 08:05:18AM +0800, k...@openmbox.net wrote:
> Are the time format in /etc/crontab just random? why they are 6:25, 6:47
> etc?

They aren't *random*, though they are somewhat arbitrary. The daily tasks
run at 6:25, a time chosen by someone somewhere back in the mists of time as
a time that the system is likely to be quiet. The daily tasks still run on
the days the weekly tasks are scheduled, so some time displacement is
factored in to give the daily job time to finish. Likewise with the monthly
allowing for both the daily and weekly.

If any of the times are inappropriate for your system, you're at liberty to
change them to something more suitable.


I am not now, nor have I ever been, a member of the demigodic party.
                -- Dennis Ritchie

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