Michel Verdier wrote:

> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> # echo $PATH | tr ':' '\n' | perl -MFile::Slurp -ne 
> 'chomp;@e=read_dir($_,prefix=>1); print map "$_\n",@e'|xargs file|perl -pe 
> 's/\S+\s+//'|grep -v 'symbolic link'|perl -pe 's/, dynamically 
> linked.+//'|sort|uniq -c|sort -rn
> my @folders = split(':',$ENV{PATH});
> my %count;
> foreach my $folder (@folders) {
>     chomp($folder);
>     next if(-l $folder);
>     print "$folder\n";
>     opendir(DIR,"$folder");
>     my @files = readdir(DIR);
>     closedir DIR;
>     foreach my $file (@files) {
>         next if($file =~ /^\.\.?$/ or -l "$folder/$file");
>         chomp(my $type = `file -b $folder/$file`);
>         next if($type =~ /symbolic link/);
>         $type =~ s/,.+$//;
>         $count{$type}++;
>     }
> }
> foreach my $key (sort {$count{$b} <=> $count{$a}} keys %count) {
>     printf("%5d %s\n", $count{$key}, $key);
> }

First, the syntax is much nicer than Python ...

Question: Can you do everything with Perl, with zsh you can't
and it is annoying and you also feel silly asking people stuff
how you do that and putting them in a position they have to
say "You can't do that". With Lisp you can do everything,
I sort of got used to it, you know what I'm saying?

Check out my Perl BTW, is it any good? Not really, right?
Haha, ah, wrote it to get a job, one thousand years ago, and
didn't get it BTW, back then I always drank one beer before
the interviews to get relaxed, and one energy drink to get
focused LOL

Anyway here


So the syntax, maybe that's huge part of not liking
Python intuitively?

Man, to be honest I didn't know this focus on text with Perl,
if I had, maybe I would have done that from the start because
obviously that's something you do all the time.

But OTOH it was fun fiddling with awk, sed, perl ...

Ha, right, let me look that up, 2 instances ...

  perl -e '1 while 1'

What's that's suppose to mean? This file:

And exact same line here (last).

Ah, it's like to stress the processor or something speaking of
CPU instructions.

Anyway what I wanted to say, since text processing is so
fundamental one is maybe recommended to learn great Perl
actually than to collect little fragments from awk, sed, perl
as a shell to LOL, that's why I don't write it with a capital
P, no, but really, I mean superficial use, instead learn
Pearl, in the list should also be included like zsh, not to
mention - I'll not mention them - all the shell tools.

Was it fun fiddling with them? Yes. Did it work? Yes, but not
really fluently. Does it ever? Well ... no :)

#! /bin/zsh
# this file:
#   https://dataswamp.org/~incal/conf/.zsh/temp

temp-gov () {
    local t=100

    local cpu
    local cpu_min
    local cpu_max

    perl -e '1 while 1' &
    local pid=$!
    sleep 10

    local i
    local g
    for g in $(cpufreq-info -g); do
        sudo cpufreq-set -g $g
        for i in {0..$t}; do
            cpu=$(sensors -j | jq -a '.["k10temp-pci-00c3"].Tdie.temp1_input')
            (( $cpu < $cpu_min )) && cpu_min=$cpu
            (( $cpu > $cpu_max )) && cpu_max=$cpu
        printf "CPU C (%.2f %.2f) (%d iterations) %s\n" $cpu_min $cpu_max $t $g

    kill $pid

temperature () {
    local cpu_min=999
    local gpu_min=999

    local cpu_max=0
    local gpu_max=0

    local cpu
    local gpu

    while true; do
        cpu=$(sensors -j | jq -a '.["k10temp-pci-00c3"].Tdie.temp2_input')
        gpu=$(sensors -j | jq -a '.["nouveau-pci-0100"].temp1.temp1_input')

        (( $cpu > $cpu_max )) && cpu_max=$cpu
        (( $gpu > $gpu_max )) && gpu_max=$gpu

        (( $cpu < $cpu_min )) && cpu_min=$cpu
        (( $gpu < $gpu_min )) && gpu_min=$gpu

        printf "CPU %.1fC (%.1f %.1f)\nGPU %.1fC (%.1f %.1f)\n\n" \
               $cpu $cpu_min $cpu_max                             \
               $gpu $gpu_min $gpu_max
        sleep 1
alias {fan,fans}=temperature

underground experts united

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