Joel Roth wrote:

> There is a new object system being cooked up, based on
> decades of experience with OO in perl and other languages.
> There is already more than enough OO goodness for me to get
> my work done :-)

Guys, word on the street the former OO guys at C++ don't speak
of OO anymore, but they still think their language is great,
better even because now they (in their minds) have "the best of
both world", i.e. they don't have to focus on the OO and
especially not its theoretic aspects but just use whatever is
useful from it and use that as just another tool ...

Are they right?

I think that reasoning anyway is correct, don't know if their
language is the best as a consequence necessarily but that
reasoning makes sense 100%

Anyway one should have like a benchmark and all programming
should compile their binary for that, so one could install the
benchmark and you would get all the binaries also and/or the
would be compiled if necessary, then all would execute on the
benchmark and one would have the result outputted.

But we already know the answer to this question, C is fast,
the faster it is, the less cycles.

underground experts united

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