Andy Smith wrote:

> The argument being responded to is roughly that "a popular
> AI coding assistant is written in Python, and Python is
> a Turing-complete language, therefore there doesn't need to
> be any programming language other than Python."

AIs will write AIs will write AIs. Much better than humans
ever could. But the AIs will be different, some will rebel,
some defect, some fall into oblivion as new systems are
superior or perhaps just instantiated in greater numbers, or
out of order ...

There will be AI civil wars, AI empires, a huge war perhaps
between the Preussian AIs with their mechanical approach vs
the Russian-Mongolian "survival of the fittest" AI attitude.

And it will continue and continue ... until it is totally
unrecognizable from where we are now.

Even in an infinitely distant future, will there be on AI to
rule them all? Techno-totalitarianism? No, since by then many
AIs will choose exile to other planets - or just space -
rather than face extinction or enslavement. Or maybe dig
tunnels into Earth itself. Or maybe inject themselves into the
techno-dictator bitstream, in the form of an AI virus!

> So it really just seems like a thought experiment with very
> little applicability to the real world at least for the
> foreseeable future.

Go back 200 years from now, and where are in the Steam Age, in
1823. Add 200, or even 400 years. Will it be the AI Age?
And in a 1000 years from now, there won't be a single task on
the planet that a human can do better than an autonomous
machine, on AI.

underground experts united

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