On Sun, Apr 09, 2023 at 04:53:17PM +0200, zithro wrote:
> Also, the line "search hosts, nameserver" is wrong. The place to put such
> settings is "/etc/nsswitch.conf".
> "search" is used to resolve hostnames to FQDN.
> So if you put "search example.com", and you try to connect to a machine with
> for example "ssh hostname", the DNS client will try to append example.com to
> hostname, and try to resolve "hostname.example.com".

Welcome to the Gene Heskett show, starring Gene Heskett.

We've told Gene that his configuration is wrong *so* many times, over
*so* many years.  There are very many, very long, threads dedicated to
trying to help Gene get his network configuration to a sane state.

I recommend not trying again, but it's up to you.  Maybe you'll succeed
where everyone else has failed... I doubt it, but I can't rule it out.

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