Max Nikulin wrote:
> On 20/04/2023 19:10, songbird wrote:
>>    one of the worst design decisions i've come across in
>> the modern era was the lack of git respecting file metadata.
> In the case of git you can get commit time from git log.

  i do not want commit time, i want the file attributes to
not be f'd with.  i know what all you've written below but
it does not apply to what i want or how i use those tools
and i consider git broken that it caters to broken tools
and intentionally then has to screw up information which i
consider both useful and critical to how i do things.

> Version control systems update modification time on operations like "git 
> checkout" or "git pull" to allow build systems, relying on timestamp 
> comparison (make), to recompile changed files even if source tree is 
> switched to an older version.

  to me that's broken and wrong.  if i need to remake a 
project then i clean it out and remake it i don't rely
upon anything else to do it and that is also what compiler
caching is for if the project is large enough where it
makes that much of a difference.  i don't force another
tool to destroy information.

> Some build systems make decisions based on file hashes, not their 
> modification times. It may require a daemon watching file changes to 
> avoid recalculation of all hashes on each build. So such approach is a 
> kind of trade-off.

  not a choice i agree with and so i have to work around
it for my purposes.


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