Strange . . . 

I run Debian 11 (Bullseye) Stable, up to date, Gnome 3 desktop

I recently set up Evolution email.  Works okay.  

Two days ago, I realized that it absolutely refuses to delete email
messages directly from the [Gmail]/All Mail folder of any email
account.  To delete a message in the All Mail folder, that is not also
in another folder, the message must be moved into another folder and
then deleted from there. 

I sure think I remember being able to delete directly from the All Mail
folder when I first set up Evolution. 

I re-started Evolution.  No change.  
I re-booted. No change.
I did sudo aptitude reinstall evolution.  No Change.  
I moved ~/.local/share/evolution/mail/local/folders.db to Trash, then
re-started Evolution to construct a new folders.db file. No change.  
I did sudo aptitude purge evolution, then sudo aptitude install
Evolution.  No change.  
I moved ~/.local/share/evolution, ~/.cache/evolution, and
~/.config/evolution to Trash, then did sudo aptitude purge evolution,
then sudo aptitude install Evolution.  No change.  
I did some research online, seeking a solution, or at least a "good"
explanation.  No solution or "good" answer was found.  

But . . .   then I booted into a Debian 11.6 Live/Install usb thumb
drive, and then installed Evolution into the Live session, upon which
Evolution DID allow message deletion directly from the [Gmail]/All Mail

Back to my regular Debian 11 Stable install.  No change.

It makes no sense to me that it would work from a Debian 11
Live/Install session, but not (currently) from a regular Debian

Even if it did not work from a Live Debian session, it makes no sense
to me that Evolution could be designed this way.  I see no good reason
that messages can be directly deleted from any other folder, but not
[Gmail]/All Mail.  

Does anyone have a solution, so that messages must be moved to another
folder (if they are not also there already), just to be deleted?  Or at
least a "good" explanation as to why Evolution appears to be designed
this way?  

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