On Thu, 2023-04-27 at 09:22 +0700, Max Nikulin wrote:
> On 26/04/2023 22:05, Default User wrote:
> > it absolutely refuses to delete email
> > messages directly from the [Gmail]/All Mail folder of any email
> > account.
> Disclaimer: I do not use evolution.
> Do you use IMAP for your gmail account? Notice that IMAP assumes 
> tree-like structure of folders and messages. Gmail uses concept of 
> labels, so the same message may have multiple labels. When mapped to 
> IMAP it means the same message (not a copy) may be accessed from 
> different folders. Moreover All Mail is a meta label/folder that 
> includes every message (besides trash?). I am unsure if it can be 
> reasonably handled using conventional IMAP.
> So gmail IMAP accounts may be special to some degree for mail
> clients. 
> Perhaps some kind of cooperation between a mailer and the server is 
> necessary. I am unsure at which moment a message should completely 
> disappear from the server in response to removing it from particular 
> folders (actually labels).

Hi, Max.

Evolution does indeed use IMAP.  Unfortunately, I don't know much about
email protocols.  

I am aware that Gmail uses the concept of labels, and that "Inbox",
"Sent Mail", "All Mail", etc. are just labels assigned to email
messages, with "All Mail" apparently assigned to all messages (except
those with the "Trash" label).  

Anyway, it would be interesting to hear from Evolution users, to see if
others experience the situation I have described.  I would find it hard
to believe that no one else on debian-user@lists.debian.org uses
Gnome/Evolution on Debian Stable!  

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