Thomas Schweikle (12023-05-13):
> No, not really. But some do have a short memory. Computers used to have
> "lots of memory" at some times in the past if they had 64KiB. The Harddisk
> used to be large if it had 5MiB available. Systems had to mount drives over
> networks to access more storage. You had to put all parts boot up a system
> on one HD. "/sbin" was the answer. /sbin held all parts to boot up a system,
> then mount further HD directly or over network.

Some have short memory, some believe they have long memory but it is not
very reliable.

What you describe is the reason for /(s)bin vs /usr/(s)bin, not the
reason for (/usr)/bin vs (/usr)/sbin.

  Nicolas George

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