On Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 11:24:00AM +0200, Bastien Durel wrote:
> During bookworm upgrade, I ran into some usrmerge failures, which led
> to an hard-to-fix situation
> Paramétrage de usrmerge (35) ...
> Both /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libidn.so.11 and 
> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libidn.so.11 exist.
> You can try correcting the errors reported and running again
> /usr/lib/usrmerge/convert-usrmerge until it will complete without errors.
> Do not install or update other Debian packages until the program
> has been run successfully.
> E: usrmerge failed.

Well, that's somewhat terrifying.  I looked at bugs.debian.org/usrmerge
and didn't see any bugs like this already reported.

Next, I wondered about reproducing this with a minimal system.  So I
looked at debootstrap.  But as it turns out, debootstrap gives you a
system with an already-merged /usr, so it's not helpful in setting up
a minimal chroot-able system where we can try to reproduce the failure.

According to <https://wiki.debian.org/UsrMerge> one would need a version
of debootstrap between 1.0.87 and 1.0.101, and according to
<https://packages.debian.org/debootstrap> even buster has version 1.0.114.

I think I might try grabbing an older-than-buster version of debootstrap
out of snapshot.debian.org and see if I can manage to reproduce something.
But don't count on my success.

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