
>> On Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 11:24:00AM +0200, Bastien Durel wrote:
> During bookworm upgrade, I ran into some usrmerge failures, which led
> to an hard-to-fix situation
>>Well, that's somewhat terrifying.  I looked at
>>and didn't see any bugs like this already reported.

Sorry for the out of thread posting, but I've been studying the usrmerge issue 
for awhile because I use systems that have been cloned and redeployed on a few 
home machines since 2017.  I understand that some pkgs thru the yrs propagated 
symlinks somewhat randomly (haphazardly?) between lib,bin,sbin and their 
counterparts in usr, or vice-versa.

My current understanding is that if there are duplicate binaries or symlinks, 
this can be an issue when installing usrmerge pkg, and I'd like to minimize the 

Even though there a very few bugs active in debian bugtracker against usrmerge, 
a websearch for 'usrmerge problem' might show that there are possible issues 
that some users need to be proactive in solving IMHO.

Right now I'm studying and trying to come up with a way to identify duplicate 
filenames and/or symlinks between /bin /sbin /lib, and /usr/bin /usr/sbin 
/usr/lib.  I bet someone on the list could do it in a one line command.

I found what looks like a nice oneliner, but it takes some work.  You have to 
create a dir, then symlinks, then run:

awk -F'/' '{
  f = $NF
  a[f] = f in a? a[f] RS $0 : $0
  b[f]++ }
  END{for(x in b)
          printf "Duplicate Filename: %s\n%s\n",x,a[x] }' <(find -L . -type f)
# and -maxdepth 3 or so to remove the /lib/modules/ clutter

TIA for pursuing the issue, and the attention to issues like this.

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