
Docker might be different. I don't use it yet - Not enough knowledge and a little bit afraid ;-)

I use a direct installation. Therfore this issue.

But as I already said no problem after the "downgrade".

mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

**Christian Lorenz**


Am 12.06.23 um 19:52 schrieb Celejar:
On Sun, 11 Jun 2023 21:05:32 +0200
CL <cl.debian.mail...@t-online.de> wrote:


Only topic was the restart of the Nextcloud. They don't wanted the
standard PHP 8.2.
Solution was a downgrade to PHP8.0

That's unusual - Debian Stable having too *recent* software :|

FWIW, I upgraded my Debian Stable Nextcloud (26.02 via Docker) server
to Bookworm without trouble. Nextcloud is using PHP 8.2.6, but the
Docker containers seem to be providing their own PHP, since I haven't
installed any native PHP packages. This is one reason it can be nice to
run software not in the repositories via Docker.

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