
after two days usage I found a little issue.

I use Brave as browser and want to set here the dark mode.

But it seems that Brave doesn't remember the setting. After every switch off / switch on of the system the browser forget the dark setting.

Not a big issue but a little bit irritating.

Don't know if this is a problem of Bookworm or Brave.

mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best Regards

**Christian Lorenz**


Am 11.06.23 um 21:05 schrieb CL:

can confirm the statement of Dan.

Just did an upgrade Bullseye -> Bookworm at two computer.

1. Lenovo V340-17IWL

XFCE Desktop

used as daily driver

2. NUC Kit DC53427HYE

XFCE Desktop

but used as server for a Nextcloud instance

general connetion via ssh

Both upgrades run smoothly and without any problems.

Only topic was the restart of the Nextcloud. They don't wanted the standard PHP 8.2.
Solution was a downgrade to PHP8.0

Until now no problems

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