Mario Marietto <> wrote:
> ---> Second, you are asking for help: that means your time is less
> valuable than the time of people who might help you, and the most
> effort comes from you.
> it's not a matter of effort : not everything is under our control :
> If I don't know something,I COULD learn MORE,but if I don't know that
> thing YET,I might NEVER know it. Knowledge is limited,but also
> imagination can be limited. Your sentence is dangerous,because it
> "paints" someone that can do everything,can learn everything,can
> imagine what he/she does not know yet. You are painting some kind of
> superhero that has everything under his control. Tell me that there
> are limits to what someone can do,learn,imagine,because it's so
> important. The worst personality structure, the sickest,in terms of
> clinical psychology is the narcissistic / omnipotent one.

I call troll.
> On Tue, Jun 20, 2023 at 5:48 PM Nicolas George <>
> wrote:
> > Mario Marietto (12023-06-20):  
> > > What about if I don't know which kind of information you need ?
> > > I'm the hobbyist,you are the developer. It's better that you ask
> > > what you want to know and I try to reply with my limited
> > > knowledge.  
> >
> > You are doubly mistaken here.
> >
> > First, this is a users mailing lists: the people who might help you
> > are not developers, they are users just like you.
> >
> > Second, you are asking for help: that means your time is less
> > valuable than the time of people who might help you, and the most
> > efforts come from you.
> >
> > If you expect useful help on this mailing-list, start by respecting
> > the people who are here, and that includes observing how their
> > mails are formatted and trying to do the same.
> >
> > --
> >   Nicolas George
> >
> >  

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