
On Wed, Jun 21, 2023 at 05:52:20PM +0200, to...@tuxteam.de wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 21, 2023 at 10:18:18AM -0400, David Peacock wrote:
> > I'm seeing a shocking and disappointing amount of disrespect and vulgarity
> > of late from several parties.  If there is no active moderation possible,
> > it would be nice to see us moderate ourselves into civility, lest this list
> > degenerate into something that embarrasses the entire Debian project.
> Since "shocking", "disrespect" and "vulgarity" are pretty subjective
> measures (they are still very legitimate, though), it would be nice
> and constructive if you gave people the chance to understand what you
> are taking issue with.

I don't think that will actually be productive but if anyone is
going to do that I would strongly suggest they do so off-list with
the authors of the posts they take issue with. I think that calling
people out on-list is likely to devolve into a huge flame war.

The reason why I don't think it will be productive is that posters
tend to feel they are justified in what they post, and people
who disagree with them are "just an opinion, man". What may go over
better is a gentle off-list comment by someone with actual authority
within Debian. A problem with that being that there isn't really any
authority to moderate on this mailing list by anyone, except for in
the most extreme of circumstances.

Then again, I have had a DD take me to task off-list recently
telling me that me opening an email with "Hi," was passive
aggressive and that the rest of the content of my email was not
worth sending. Yet from my perspective the original poster and I had
had a reasonably productive thread on-list, so, you know, not all
persons of authority are cut out for this kind of thing either!

I think Debian's community team do a pretty good job when they do
actually get involved, I just wish they could get involved more.


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