On Mon 24 Jul 2023 at 15:52:38 (+0530), Susmita/Rajib wrote:
>     From: David Wright <deb...@lionunicorn.co.uk>
>     Date: Thu, 20 Jul 2023 10:06:43 -0500
> Thank you for writing back with the link leading to the Python
> Discourse thread. [ … ]
> Can't accept a third party website info on face value.

PEPs are official Python documents; the one I referred to
is an Accepted (as of June last year) Standards Track.

> I would have preferred a similar post assuring us
> from the Debian Side. A 3rd party software installer from within the native 
> Debian
> system for which there isn't an explicit assurance from Debian is
> unsettling.

I'm not sure who you think the first and second parties are.
Debian is a distribution, not a software company. The best
you can expect from Debian is what I gave you: the Release
Notes for bookworm.¹ Debian offers no guarantees, and you're
reminded of this every time you login:

 "Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY,
  to the extent permitted by applicable law."

> I could have risked if a Debian system snapshot could be
> saved and in case of any trouble, could be reverted back to.
> Yes, a virtual environment (i.e., virtualisation) however is an idea
> that could theoretically be looked into, but that would mean extra
> system resources to be spent for it.

AIUI a standalone binary is bound to use more resources anyway,
because it duplicates some already supplied as part of the OS.

¹ As you later wrote: "something published as the Debian Wiki, Release
  Notes, Debian GNU/Linux FAQ or other informative posts or webpages
  that could help disseminate information about issues that matter."


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