From: Greg Wooledge <>
    Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2023 07:02:17 -0400
    Message-id: <[🔎]>
    In-reply-to: <[🔎]>
    References: <[🔎]>
and the rest

[   ...   ]

> Python makes extremely heavy and common use of "virtual environments".
> This is not full-blown system virtualization as you might be thinking.
> It's more like a chroot, except even lighter.  Really, it's just a
> directory containing a file that sets certain environment variables
> when dotted in.  I'm sure your computer can handle it.
> But you REALLY need to go over to and start learning.

Yes, Mr. Cater told me. Ref:

I have thanked him for that. Have talked about my ignorance of Python
virtualisation there. Ref:

Yes, I now am considering that I might need to. But learning an entire
system just to address a minor need, can it be called efficient use of
available resources? I am evaluating.

Apologise for the poor sentence construction to my reply to you: "...
so that irrespective of the virtual environment resides or is removed
...", missing a Whether. That is, "... irrespective of whether the

Thank you for your email, Mr. Wooledge.

Best wishes,

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