On 8/5/23 14:56, Carl Fink wrote:
On 8/5/23 02:54, Michel Verdier wrote:
On 2023-08-04, Carl Fink wrote:

Today, on my Bullseye system, X crashed and restarted. Naturally, I thought
I'd check my logs to see if I could find out why.

Well, no ... because syslog does not exist.
If you don't have syslog your logs will be on journald.
But X logs could be in /var/log/Xorg.0.log or
~/.xsession-error or ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log
It is highly probable that I'm being grumpy because Debian changed something 
I was used to for decades, without my realizing it. I'm more interested in 
*using* my
computer than learning whole new paradigms about, say, logging. Changing things
will *always* be perceived as friction unless someone explains clearly why it 
sense, to me personally.

-Carl Fink

I have syslog, and journald.
about having syslog, it is probably because I install rsyslog on all my 
computers (to send logs on server through vpn).
about having journald, I dont apreciate it, because it change many things that 
already working for years.
the ONLY avantage (in my opinion) to journald is to start loging very earlier 
at boot.

may be installing rsyslog is a solution for you (even if you don't need to send 
logs on a remote server)

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