On 8/13/23 11:07, Andrew M.A. Cater wrote:

A little bit more information in each post would help a whole lot here.

For others following along at home this saga is unclear: for others, here's
my attempted summary:

The ARM machines

Gene has a network of small ARM SBCs. They're not Raspberry Pi's, they're
one of the somewhat similar range of OrangePis.

Only have one orange pi. Still unpowered as its equ to a rpi3b, not fast enough to do the job. So I'm running an rpi4b to run my big lathe, and a bunch (6 so far) of bananapi-m5's to run 3d printers, essentially a slightly faster rpi4b w/o the rpi's radio, but with 16Gb of emmc memory the kernel does not see. The rest of them are old Dell dimensions with i5 brains and have been for as long as wheezy's been around.

Over a period of years,
he's had Intel machines, Raspberry Pi machines, Orange Pis either running
heavy machinery like lathes (see threads on linuxcnc) or now 3D printers.

The Armbian OS
These run Armbian, not vanilla Debian. Armbian is similar, but the impetus
behind the project is to get unsupported boards supported using a vendor's
BSP (board support package) enough to then add Debian packages

Correct but armbian can give a full desktop. as can raspiOS.

Armbian as a project is extremely useful but extremely limited: they barely
have enough time to compe with the huge numbers of boards now in circulation
and insufficient developers. They don't have enough for user support on a
regular basis.

This is also true to the extent I'm tempted to contribute to the beer fund.

Using small ARM SBCs - 3D printing
From what I can see, Gene has several of the OrangePi boards, each running
a 3D printer.
Never happened. bpi's work great.

Package selection
Gene has some some definite preferences in package selection: synaptic
as a graphical tool for package selection rather than apt-get, apt or aptitude
and he will sometimes blame the tools for somehow messing up the packages he
wants to install.
Another untruth, I'm scared of only aptitude, its destroyed 4 installs for me by deleting everything in sight.

Risk appetite
Unlike some others on the list, he's happy to be an experimentalist and to
run third party tools and all in one packages like Appimages and Flatpaks
if they serve his purpose. He's also prepared to build things from random
sources. In this, he's prepared to be on the very definite bleeding edge
and sometimes suffers for it :)

For everyones enlightenment, at an age of 88 that you all imagine as drowning in my breakfast cereal bowl:

Mother did gave me one thing, an IQ that raises eyebrows when I'm tested, like the Iowa test in '46 of 147, AFQT in 1952, my 8th grade education at that point made a 98 and got me 4F'd. 10 years later I walked into a testing session for FCC licenses and passed a 1st phone exam w/o cracking a book, another 10 years later I sat for the CET, and got 123 of 125 correct w/o a books help. I wasn't impressed with the college prof administering the test which was 4 hours long, when he was amazed I was done in 45 minutes, he was dubious, laying the answer stencil on my sheets and seeing a sea of black raised his eyebrows, he had been teaching a course based on electronics for 5 years and I, who had just walked in the door with a 20 dollar bill for the test was the first to pass it. But I'm fading with age, failing the mensa test about 6 years back. I explained to the FCC in the 1970's, the distortion in the signal that a klystron amplfier does timewise to the NTSC signal, using relativity's effect on the mass of the electron as the cause of it. We can correct that now or digital tv would not work, but we couldn't then i the late '70's.. I helped build the cameras in the later '50's that went down 37,000 feet in the mohole. You've, if old enough, seen pix in the encyclopedias taken where external water pressure was around 18,000 psi. I've seen pix taken with those 2 cameras that prove water IS compressible. It just takes an unimaginable amount of psi. I've been there, and done that, places many of you would not believe, and I've had fun learning about it. Been asked to remove my shoes during physicals by parameds who'd been told I probably have webbed feet cuz I have walked on water electronically, often enough I use WOWElectronics as a business name.

Now I readily admit I'm having trouble keeping up, but I'll try till I miss roll call, its in my genes.

So take care and stay well everybody.

kiauh https://github.com/th33xitus/kiauh

This is from a Github repository. It is a script, [Klipper Installation And
Update Helper] to pull together an SD card image and various applications
to produce an integrated environment for 3D printing.

Requirements: Raspbian Lite or equivalent small environment. It can be
run on Ubuntu Jammy - the site itself notes that it has some installations
run on Armbian but the status of support is unknown.

Essentially, it pulls in a base list of Debian packages then lots of third
party repositories to provide the functionality.

From this: Gene, I think you need to start from something really minimal:
I'd suggest you have a look at which packages are in Rasbian Lite and attempt
to emulate that.

Debian with no graphics environment and standard packages might be enough to
bootstrap it - so no initial need for X or Firefox or Chromium.
That means working on the command line - but that's what tasksel and apt
are designed for.

An approach?

Write stuff down so you can explain it. Buid a list of steps.
The first step is probably to set up a minimal system and get it networked.

You've already had discussions on how to do this: if all else fails, I
suggest you look at Gunnar Wolf's advice on Debian Raspberry Pi images and
how he set up /etc/network/interfaces from the outset.

Don't just run kiauh without understanding what the scripts are doing, at least
in outline.

Don't attempt to second guess the script maintainer and try and build your
own that's better until you *REALLY* know how it's meant to work using
the unmodified script. If needs be, dig up a Raspberry Pi to do it once the way
it's been done previously.

*Do* report back to the kiauh script maintainer what you've needed to do
to get it to work on Armbian.

Once you've got one SD card, you can potentially just duplicate it for
all of the machines and do a minimal edit set thereafter.

It doesn't look as if you need a web browser on each machine: if you set
up nginx on each to talk to a different network port, you can probably
cycle around them all and control from one machine.

Oh - and use meaningful subject lines. If need be "kiauh - step one - 
networking" so that those of us who are interested might help rather than being left 
the dark.

All best, as ever,

Andy Cater


Cheers, Gene Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author, 1940)
If we desire respect for the law, we must first make the law respectable.
 - Louis D. Brandeis
Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/>

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