On Mon Aug 21 16:23:25 2023 "Christoph K." <christ...@kobenetz.de> wrote:

> Am Sun, 20 Aug 2023 21:41:04 +0000
> schrieb "Russell L. Harris" <russ...@rlharris.org>:
>> On the 3, 5, 6, and 9, open the end of the loops, and shorten the
>> horizontal stroke on top of the 5 so the 5 is not mistaken for an S.
>> Always put horizontal strokes on I.  Make the 1 with a flag on the
>> upper end and put a horizontal stroke on the 7, German-style.  My
>> handwriting is a odd mixture of cursive script and printing.
> Thanks for sharing!
> Really interesting ... I'm already implementing all of these "rules".
> I learnt to write the 7 in German style because I live in Germany ;-)

Here on the west coast of Canada the stroke through the 7 isn't too
common, although I do see it from time to time.  I avoid it because
it makes a 7 look like certain script forms of the letter F (see the
Fender guitar logo, for instance).

> We also learned to put a "flag" on the 1 in school. I was surprised to
> see other people don't. To me it's quite confusing to see 1 just as a
> straight line.

When I was 8 years old I started writing the numeral 1 with the "flag".
I quickly stopped, because everyone confused it with 7.

This leaves the lower-case L.  It was a long time before this became
a problem, either because I didn't use them frequently or because
readers could figure it out from context.  (This was in my pre-computer
days.)  Now if there's a potential problem I'll put a little hook on
the bottom, similar to many computer fonts.  The vertical bar... well,
I'll either make it noticeably taller than other characters on the line,
or I'll write nearby 1s with both a flag and a bottom line.  It's a
bit of a compromise that I deal with on an individual basis.

> I don't remember when I startet to put bars on the 'I', probably
> during my studies of electrical engineering when we used lots of
> formulas.

I think I used them right from the beginning, so that wasn't a problem.

> I also have a "mixed handwriting" with some ligatures (for example on
> the double 'l'). For the small 's' I use two different glyphs (not on
> purpose) that usually depend on my mood. For a long time I wasn't even
> aware I was doing this :-)

Interesting.  I went through something like that when I started cursive
writing.  When writing a contraction I'd write the whole word and then
go back and place the apostrophe between the appropriate two letters -
except when writing "o'clock", where for some reason I would leave a
break after the "o".  Go figure.

/~\  Charlie Gibbs                  |  Life is perverse.
\ /  <cgibbs@kltpzyxm.invalid>      |  It can be beautiful -
 X   I'm really at ac.dekanfrus     |  but it won't.
/ \  if you read it the right way.  |    -- Lily Tomlin

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