On Sun, Aug 20, 2023 at 10:38:34PM -0400, Max Nikulin wrote:
> On 20/08/2023 14:55, Karl Vogel wrote:
> >      #!/bin/sh
> ...
> >      #   -fa 'xft:...'   font size and weight
> ...
> >      ( $XTERM $geo $topts -fa "$FONT" -title "Remote" ) &
> Xterm configuration options may be put to ~/.Xresources, e.g.
> xterm*VT100.faceName: ...
> I am curious if there are actual advantages of usage a wrapper script
> instead of xresources.

  For me, being able to select or change a font based on an environment
  variable is very convenient.

  The script I included is simplified because I didn't want the post to
  get too long.  My production version has other conveniences:

    # Don't override COLUMNS and LINES if already set; when my eyes are
    # tired, I use an xterm with characters two pixels larger:
    ##  FONT=xft:Cascadia:pixelsize=22:bold LINES=35 xt

    : ${COLUMNS=80}
    : ${LINES=40}

  I can check a font and set LINES, COLUMNS, or geometry on the fly without
  having to mess with any configuration options.

Karl Vogel                      I don't speak for the USAF or my company

Tent poles are not for pole dancing.  Please find
alternative ways to disappoint your father.      --seen on boredpanda.com

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