On 8/22/23 03:08, Michael Kjörling wrote:
On 21 Aug 2023 20:00 -0600, fromrickm...@shaw.ca  (Rick Macdonald):
# dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin
Determining localhost credentials from /etc/mysql/debian.cnf: succeeded.
dbconfig-common: writing config to /etc/dbconfig-common/phpmyadmin.conf
dbconfig-common: flushing administrative password
apache2_invoke phpmyadmin: already enabled
$ dpkg -l php php8.2 phpmyadmin

Which exact version of each respective package is installed?

# dpkg -l php php8.2 phpmyadmin
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name           Version         Architecture Description
ii  php            2:8.2+93        all          server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (default) ii  php8.2         8.2.7-1~deb12u1 all          server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage) ii  phpmyadmin     4:5.2.1+dfsg-1  all          MySQL web administration tool


$ aptitude why php8.2

# aptitude why php8.2
i   roundcube      Depends roundcube-core (= 1.6.1+dfsg-1)
i A roundcube-core Depends php
i A php            Depends php8.2

I don't use roundcube any more. Would it help to uninstall it? Although, at the moment I have only php5.6 and php8.2 installed. I'm guessing the bookworm upgrade removed php7.x.

_IF_ the version of phpmyadmin which Bookworm ships doesn't work with
the version of PHP which Bookworm ships, that's at a minimum a
packaging bug. But that would be an awfully obvious one that a lot
more people should already have run into in that case, so I'm
reluctant to assume that that's the problem. I'm more inclined to
believe that maybe you're somehow running a non-Bookworm version of
phpmyadmin which for whatever reason doesn't work with PHP 8, or for
some reason your installation of phpmyadmin is being run through a
different version of PHP. Buster and Bullseye were both PHP 7.x; which
could help explain why it worked there but not after you upgraded to

     Package phpmyadmin

 * buster-backports
   MySQL web administration tool
   4:5.0.4+dfsg2-2~bpo10+1: all
 * bullseye (oldstable)
   <https://packages.debian.org/bullseye/phpmyadmin>(web): MySQL web
   administration tool
   4:5.0.4+dfsg2-2+deb11u1: all
 * bullseye-backports
   MySQL web administration tool
   4:5.2.1+dfsg-1~bpo11+1: all
 * bookworm (stable)
   <https://packages.debian.org/bookworm/phpmyadmin>(web): MySQL web
   administration tool
   4:5.2.1+dfsg-1: all
 * trixie (testing)
   <https://packages.debian.org/trixie/phpmyadmin>(web): MySQL web
   administration tool
   4:5.2.1+dfsg-1: all
 * sid (unstable) <https://packages.debian.org/sid/phpmyadmin>(web):
   MySQL web administration tool
   4:5.2.1+dfsg-1: all


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