On 8/24/23 07:53, Stefan Monnier wrote:
So, given that I purged everything and re-installed and it still didn't
work, is this indeed a packaging error? I've been running Debian for well
over 25 years (I started with a pre-release before buzz was released) and
I don't remember anything that didn't work after installing.
I don't know the history of this precise thingy, but there can be valid
reasons to install both PHP and Apache, yet not to intend to run PHP
from Apache or not in the way that `a2enmod php8.2` does (especially
given the security risks it entails).

I have a vague recollection of having to explicitly enable/activate PHP
support in Apache's config many years ago, so I believe this is not
a new requirement.

Fair enough, but if somebody installs the phpmyadmin package, which requires both PHP and Apache, clearly the intention is to "run PHP from Apache in the way that `a2enmod php8.2` does".

So, I finally found the following in /usr/share/doc/phpmyadmin/README.Debian:

phpmyadmin for Debian


  The application will be available at http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
  after install if you use one of supported web servers (Apache and Lighttpd
  at time of writing this). Please note that you need to have enabled PHP
  support in your webserver (for Apache you can do this by a2enmod php8.2, for
  Lighttpd by lighty-enable-mod fastcgi).

I've been running phpmyadmin for years, so I can't swear I didn't manually enable this back in the day. I've done other Debian releases along the way but it never broke before.

However, I'm perfectly happy to say it's "my bad": for not scouring through these doc files.

Thanks again to all, I REALLY do appreciate the help!


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