
El dom., 10 sept. 2023 21:55, Marco <li...@homerow.info> escribió:

> On Fri, 8 Sep 2023 12:26:38 -0400
> Dan Ritter <d...@randomstring.org> wrote:
> > > That is quite an involved task. I didn't expect such fiddling for a
> > > simple OS update. I'm a bit worried that the permissions and owners
> > > go haywire when I copy stuff directly off the server onto a VM and
> > > back onto the server. Is there a recommended procedure or
> > > documentation available?
> >
> > Can you start a temporary VM directly on the server?
> I might actually. I'll have to check the following days.
> > If so, you can
> > * stop your remote Debian machine
> > * run a Debian rescue image in the VM on the NFS server
> > * have the VM mount the filesystem directly
> > * chroot, run usrmerge
> > * unmount
> Ok, that's also quite a task, but it seems less error-prone than
> copying a bunch of system files across the network and hope for the
> best. I'll try.
> Marco

Maybe you can open a new bug asking for a better documentation or what
should be done in this case.

Maybe dpkg -L with both files can help to clarify what should be done



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