gene heskett <> wrote:
> On 8/28/23 12:20, zithro wrote:
> > On 28 Aug 2023 09:29, gene heskett wrote:  
> >> Greetings;
> >>
> >> odd request:  
> > 
> > Yeah, almost unreal ^^
> >   
> >>
> >> Somewhere, for some unk reason, there is a sound file file that
> >> plays at max volume, usually around 2 AM or slightly later, that
> >> is very similar to the 40 yo doorbell in this house. A bing-bong
> >> sound that differs from the real doorbell by maybe 5hz in pitch.
> >> Wakes me up, spoiling a good nights sleep, maybe a dozen times a
> >> year an apparently random dates.  
> > 
> > Have you checked all the cron files and the systemd timers ?  
> cron yes, systemd timers no, don't know how.
> >> To aid in finding it, what extension might that file be carrying
> >> to indicate its a .snd fle, which according to grep on ls -lR's
> >> output, does not exist in the thousands of files under hundreds of
> >> random names.  
> The keyword above is extension, the find/grep tools seem to find a
> match anywhere in a filename. getting a thousand hits, none of which
> are the last 4 chars of a name.

RTFM? Or Larry's email :) And look for all the 'extensions' people have
> > What if you didn't use an extension when you created the audio
> > file ? 
> >> This file that sounds exactly like my doorbell has existed on my 
> >> 24/7/365.25 on main system for at least 20 years. I'd like to A.
> >> find it, B. find what condition uses it, fix the condition, or
> >> even delete it.  
> > 
> > Maybe find the script(s) where you use this sound ?
> > I mean to find HOW you played this sound, ie. with which
> > application. With ALSA, you could have used "aplay FILE.wav", but
> > you could also have used xmms, audacity, VLC, mpv, etc.  
> Its usually in the middle of the night, waking me up because it is as 
> loud as the real door bell would be. Last Saturday was unusual as it 
> sounded off at 2:06 and 6:58 EDT.  Never occurred while I'm sitting 
> here. Most of the noises it makes are 30 db quieter.

So don't try to find it when it happens. Just make a note of the exact
time and look in the morning after breakfast and coffee!

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