I just upgraded my main server to bookworm, having successfully, over the course of the past couple of months, methodically upgraded my other machines with only minor issues.

Unfortunately, the upgrade of the server, the most important of my machines, has not been smooth at all, even though no important errors appeared during the upgrade process.

So right now the thing I want to fix is networking (which of course worked fine in the last few releases of debian, until now).

The machine has two ethernet ports, which used to be eth0 and eth1 in the old days, but are now magically called "Wired connection enp11s0(eth0)" and "Wired connection enp12s0(eth1)".

When I booted the machine after the upgrade, no networking was working at all, on either interface, even though:


zserver# nmcli networking connectivity


which was definitely a lie, as nothing was successfully going in or out of the machine.

Looking in more detail:


[Z:~] nmcli
enp12s0: connected to Wired connection enp11s0(eth0)
        "Intel I210"
        ethernet (igb), D8:50:E6:C2:76:03, hw, mtu 1500
        ip4 default
        route4 metric 100
        route4 default via metric 100
        inet6 fe80::e0c1:20a:c535:873c/64
        route6 fe80::/64 metric 1024

lo: connected (externally) to lo
        loopback (unknown), 00:00:00:00:00:00, sw, mtu 65536
        inet6 ::1/128

enp11s0: disconnected
        "Intel I210"
        1 connection available
        ethernet (igb), D8:50:E6:C2:76:02, hw, mtu 1500

enp13s0: unavailable
        "Intel I210"
        ethernet (igb), D8:50:E6:C2:76:04, hw, mtu 1500

enp14s0: unavailable
        "Intel I210"
        ethernet (igb), D8:50:E6:C2:76:05, hw, mtu 1500

DNS configuration:
        interface: enp12s0


Somehow, it had got into a state where enp12s0 was connected to enp11s0 (whatever that means), with the result that nothing worked.

So, after a bit of messing around with an increasing sense of desperation, I discovered that:


[Z:~] sudo nmcli connection down "Wired connection enp11s0(eth0)"
Connection 'Wired connection enp11s0(eth0)' successfully deactivated (D-Bus active path: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/2)

[Z:~] sudo nmcli connection up "Wired connection enp11s0(eth0)"
Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/4)


resulted in:


[Z:~] nmcli
enp11s0: connected to Wired connection enp11s0(eth0)
        "Intel I210"
        ethernet (igb), D8:50:E6:C2:76:02, hw, mtu 1500
        ip4 default
        route4 metric 101
        route4 default via metric 101
        inet6 fe80::1ae1:dfcf:be36:f72f/64
        route6 fe80::/64 metric 1024

enp12s0: connected to Wired connection enp12s0(eth1)
        "Intel I210"
        ethernet (igb), D8:50:E6:C2:76:03, hw, mtu 1500
        route4 metric 100
        inet6 fe80::d30e:86f6:ca86:8986/64
        route6 fe80::/64 metric 1024

lo: connected (externally) to lo
        loopback (unknown), 00:00:00:00:00:00, sw, mtu 65536
        inet6 ::1/128

enp13s0: unavailable
        "Intel I210"
        ethernet (igb), D8:50:E6:C2:76:04, hw, mtu 1500

enp14s0: unavailable
        "Intel I210"
        ethernet (igb), D8:50:E6:C2:76:05, hw, mtu 1500

DNS configuration:
        interface: enp11s0


and indeed, everything was now working. Which was good, because I was running out of ideas, and had no way to reach the Internet to look for more help.

Well, great, sort-of, except that every time I reboot I have to manually issue the two above nmcli commands to take down and bring back up enp11s.

I tried putting them in my rc.local file, but that had no effect (for reasons that I don't understand; I was sure that that would paper over the problem).

So how do I fix this so that the networking is configured to work correctly during the boot sequence, as it has always done before?

(I suppose it has to be said explicitly: I did not change any configuration files ... indeed, these days I don't even know where the files are that control the network devices.)

All the other machines that I have upgraded to bookworm have only a single ethernet port, which may be why I have not seen this issue after any other upgrade.


Web:  http://enginehousebooks.com/drevans

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