On 1 Sep 2023 14:02 -0600, from doc.ev...@gmail.com (D. R. Evans):
> Well, great, sort-of, except that every time I reboot I have to manually
> issue the two above nmcli commands to take down and bring back up enp11s.
> I tried putting them in my rc.local file, but that had no effect (for
> reasons that I don't understand; I was sure that that would paper over the
> problem).

Well, as you note, it's not a fix. Still, if a workaround gets you
closer to where you want to be...

I don't think /etc/rc.local is executed by default on modern Debian
systems. Have you checked to make sure that rc-local.service is
enabled and actually gets started during boot? Is there anything
relevant in the logs for that? Is /etc/rc.local set as executable?

Michael Kjörling                     🔗 https://michael.kjorling.se
“Remember when, on the Internet, nobody cared that you were a dog?”

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